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Products by car model: Toyota Cusco Engine parts

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Cusco supercharger kit, GT86 / Brz Toyota 5239.50 €

Cusco supercharger kit, GT86 / Brz
Linear Acceleration Similiar to a 3.0liter engine.* Non-intercooled kits available * Completely bolt on. No Modifications necessary. * Increased torque similiar to that of a 3.0liter engine. * Twin screw type supercharger.Power Data Over a 30% increase in power output as compared to factory figures with plentiful torqueband that is usable in dynamic range of conditions.* Cusco supercharger kit Peak power: 208ps / 7400 rpm >> 32.4% gain over factory. Peak torque: 24.6kg * m/5600rpm >> 43.0% gain ov